Community Acupuncture is a group acupuncture session. This is a way for us to offer people accessible prices for acupuncture.
Appointments are staggered every 15 minutes and will last around 45-60 minutes. You'll be lying on a soft mat in our classroom spaces. You will speak with our practitioners for a few minutes, have your pulse taken, and after points are inserted, you will be able to rest for about 30-45 minutes. Acupuncture is effective at treating pain (acute or chronic), supporting the immune system and autoimmune conditions, allergies & respiratory issues, reproductive health, digestive health, anxiety, insomnia, mental and emotional wellbeing and more.
Please wear loose-fitting clothing to your session, as most points will be from the elbows and knees down. We are located at 4025 MacArthur Ave in Richmond VA. Please arrive a few minutes early and allow time to find parking.
Sliding scale pricing means that we are offering the same experience in a class, event, or session at multiple price points. Learn more about our sliding scale model here. Choose the price tier that best fits your financial needs at this time, based on your income level and circumstances. If using a code, copy the code from below. Click the Registration button. Click "Redeem Coupon" before paying. Paste the appropriate code in the box, "Apply" the code, and check out. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us. -
Tier 1 (Full Price): $50 no code needed
- I can easily meet my basic needs and have disposable income
Tier 2 (Community Rate): $40 use code ACU-$40
- I can meet my basic needs but full price prevents me from attending
Tier 3 (Accessible Rate): $30 use code ACU-$30
- I struggle to meet my basic needs and rely on the accessible rate to attend
About Sarah
Sarah Coghlan is a Classical Acupuncturist and Chinese Medicine practitioner in Richmond, Virginia. She holds a Doctorate from Daoist Traditions College of Chinese Medical Arts and a Master's degree from the Pacific College of Health and Sciences in New York.
She trained in classical acupuncture, herbal medicine, and classical pulse taking in the lineage of 88th Generation Daoist master Jeffrey Yuen and her teacher, Ann Cecil-Sterman. Sarah is most passionate about supporting those with chronic and complex conditions, psycho-emotional-spiritual concerns, and those moving through periods of transition and rebirth.