At Buffalo Firefly, we want our community members to be able to prioritize self-care and wellness without cost being a barrier to entry. In order to increase accessibility for everyone, our classes, events, and services utilize a sliding scale pricing structure whenever possible.


Sliding scale pricing means that we are offering the same experience in a class, event, or session at multiple price points. Choose the price tier that best fits your financial needs at this time, based on your income level and circumstances. We trust our community members to self assess their need for financial assistance, but if you are unsure what price tier is appropriate for you, you can review the tiers below for reference.

Tier 1 (Full Price):

This tier represents the full price for the offering and the true compensation to the facilitator and space for their time and energy. If you are consistently able to meet your basic needs and have few financial worries, this price is for you.

Tier 2 (Community Rate):

This tier represents a moderately discounted price for the offering and is intended for those whose experiences are somewhere between the highest and lowest tiers. If you do not typically struggle to meet your basic needs but still feel that the full price would prevent you from attending, this price is for you.

Tier 3 (Accessible Rate):

This tier represents a significantly discounted price for the offering and is intended for those with serious financial barriers. If you struggle to meet basic needs such as housing, food, & health care and would be unable to attend at a higher rate, this price is for you.

In addition to our sliding scale pricing, we have established a donation access fund to extend financial aid to those who cannot afford the lowest price tier. If you would like to support the continuation of community financial assistance and contribute to our access fund, you can add on a donation to any appointment. Contact us to make a separate contribution.

If cost is still prohibitive at the lowest price tier, contact us to inquire about flexible payment options or assistance from the access fund. Note: BIPOC, LGBTQ+ and other historically marginalized communities are prioritized. We welcome all beings ready to experience wellness with open hearts and minds.