TAI CHI BEGINNER 8-WEEK SERIES w/Cheri Maffei-Wolff (she/her) — Tuesdays at 6:30pm ET, 3/18 to 5/6)
$192, $160, $128 sliding scale ($24, $20, $16/class)

This class for beginners requires no experience! Please NOTE, we no longer offer this class on Zoom due to the difficult nature of following the instructions in this setting.

Visit here to register for Cheri's Monday evening Qigong 4-Week Series.

TAI CHI INTERMEDIATE CLASS w/Cheri Maffei-Wolff (she/her) - we don't have any scheduled classes at this time.
$24, $20, $16/class

This Intermediate class is designed for those who have previously taken a beginner’s class or have had prior tai chi practice experience. Yang Style experience helpful but not critical.

NOTE, we no longer offer this class on Zoom due to the difficult nature of following the instructions in this setting.

Visit here to register for Cheri's Monday evening Qigong 4-Week Series.

Tai Chi (also known as Taiji or Taijiquan) emphasizes the dynamic interaction of yin and yang (complementary opposites), and the changing nature of all things. Emphasis is placed on relaxing the body and calming and focusing the mind. The sequence of movements promotes balance, and efficiency.

Our weekly practice will guide us in the Yang style form, consisting of 24 movements, with emphasis on improving our understanding of each movement, applications, and transitions. Also included are a range of rejuvenating Qigong sequences.

The practices of Tai Chi and Qigong are both designed to help relax the body and mind, and to aid in overall balance and to nurture internal energy, but they are not exactly the same. Tai Chi consists of a specific sequence of slow movements to promote balance, power, and efficiency with emphasis on structure and internal adjustments. Qigong consists of breath practices, simple strength and stretching postures, and flowing body movements. Visit here to register for Cheri's Monday evening Qigong 4-Week Series.

Dress comfortably with loose, comfortable clothing and flat shoes with minimal tread (ex. Keds, Vans, Sperry's) to prevent sticking.

Classes are offered both in-person in Richmond VA and virtually on Zoom. We have space for a limited number of people in person and plenty of spots online! If you would like to be in person and we appear sold out, please contact us.

Sliding scale pricing means that we are offering the same experience in a class, event, or session at multiple price points. Learn more about our sliding scale model here. Choose the price tier that best fits your financial needs at this time, based on your income level and circumstances.

Once you reach the payment screen, click "Package, gift, or coupon code" if using the Community or Accessible Rate. Copy/paste or type the appropriate code in the box and be sure to click "APPLY" before checking out. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.

  • Tier 1 (Full Price): $192 ($24/class) no code needed

    • I can easily meet my basic needs and have disposable income

  • Tier 2 (Community Rate): $160 ($20/class) use code TIER2-$160

    • I can meet my basic needs but full price prevents me from attending

  • Tier 3 (Accessible Rate): $128 ($16/class) use code TIER3-$128

    • I struggle to meet my basic needs and rely on the accessible rate to attend

About Cheri (she/her)

Cheri Maffei-Wolff has been teaching Tai Chi in Richmond for the past 18 years.

She has trained extensively in several Tai Chi open hand styles including Yang, Sun, and Guang Peng. She frequently competed in National Tournaments entering Open Hand form competitions and the partner practice of Push Hands, earning multiple gold medals in each.

Cheri subscribes to the practice of Tai Chi as the continual process of looking within for mental, physical, and spiritual balance, as well as for vitality and longevity.